After: Bringing the Dead Back to Life

I am proud to have served on the Board of Advisors to the film, After: Bringing the Dead Back to Life. For Distribution / Worldsales / Press / FestivalsOliver Mahrdt: All other requests …

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Family Treasures Lost and Found

I am an advisor to a film that was just completed titled Family Treasures:  Lost and Found, directed by Marcia Rock and produced by Karen A. Frankel. About the Film Journalist Karen A. Frenkel wanted …

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Daum and camera

Menachem Daum Obituary

Menachem Daum, 77, Filmmaker Who Explored the World of Hasidim, Dies: His acclaimed documentary “A Life Apart” presented a complex portrait of a religious group usually depicted as somber and impenetrable. Menachem Daum, a filmmaker …

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Stanley Milgram and shock generator

Stanley Milgram @ 90: What is his legacy?

Ninety years after the birth of Stanley Milgram (1933-1984), what is the legacy of this unique researcher, teacher, and essayist? I spoke at this event. Here is what I said: Stanley Milgram ReminiscencesEva Fogelman, PhD …

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Holocaust memorial candle

Breaking the Silence Around Sexual Violence

In honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Wagner College Holocaust Center took on a topic with very contemporary resonance: sexual assault. International Holocaust Remembrance Day is held on January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of …

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Saviors at Nazi Ground Zero

Steven Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List” introduced the world to the improbable enigma and moral dilemma of a German Nazi Party member who rescued Jews. The combined commercial forces of Spielberg and the Hollywood image-making machine turned …

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Who Will Speak for Them?

A gathering for Second Generation (2G) & Third Generation (3G) Holocaust survivors Click to email Elise at Shalom Connecticut Presented by Holocaust Child Survivors Of Connecticut, Inc. Join us for brunch and conversation with DR. …

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Jacket from Dachau

The Jacket from Dachau

The Jacket from Dachau:One Survivor’s Search for Justice, Identity, and Home In July of 2015, The Harriet & Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center (KHC) was contacted by a vintage clothing dealer about a recent acquisition of …

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What Hate Can do

“Researchers Remember” Book Talk

For descendants of Holocaust survivors who became researchers and scholars, whether they devoted their professional lives to the Holocaust or to other topics, the Holocaust often accompanies their professional lives like a shadow. The new …

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“The Flat” Screening and Discussion

After the death of his grandmother Gerda, director Arnon Goldfinger was responsible for emptying out the Tel Aviv apartment where she lived for seventy years since she and her husband fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Goldfinger …

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Oregon Holocaust Memorial

Be Empowered: Ways To Confront Antisemitism

Our April 5th Next Generations Group(NGG) get-together featured Bob Horenstein, Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, who spoke about the rise in antisemitism and touched on ways to respond to it. Afterwards, there was a palpable …

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Two young child survivors on board the SS Mataroa display their tattooed arms. ——US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Israel Government Press Office

Hidden by the Holocaust as young children…

Hidden by the Holocaust as young children, they escaped the Nazis by disappearing into attics and basements. Now, these last survivors are coming forward to reclaim a childhood lost. “These individuals had to grow up …

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Israeli postage stamp honoring diplomatic rescuers (left to right) Giorgio Perlasca, Dr. Aristides de Sousa Mendes, Carl Lutz, Chiune Sugihara and Selahattin Ülkumen.

Altruism Can Be Learned

Learned altruistic behavior, seeing all people as equals, gave the rescuers the ability to transcend the propaganda against the Jews and to see them as human beings just like themselves. Eva Fogelman Most Germans during …

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Women Resistance Fighters during the Holocaust

Judy Batalion, author of The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos will discuss the young women who found different ways of fighting back against the Nazis, with filmmaker Aviva Kempner, …

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20th Annual Holocaust Teacher Institute | University of Miami

Other Voices: Daughters of the Holocaust

The University of Miami School of Education & Human Development and The Leslie and Susan Gonda (Goldschmied) Foundation together with The Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Division of Academics, Department of Social Sciences presented the 20th …

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Esther Perel and Dr. Eva Fogelman

Love & Sex Across Holocaust Generations

Featured Keynote Speakers Love & Sex Across Holocaust GenerationsWith Dr. Eva Fogelman & Esther Perel May 5, 2021 @ 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm EDT Find out how past traumatic experiences affect new intimate relations from therapists experienced in working with …

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Provided by Liberation75

Founders of the Second Generation Movement

A panel with Helen Epstein, Dr. Eva Fogelman,  Menachem Rosensaft  moderated by Kati Marton. Thursday May 6,  5pm -5:45pm ET. Join us for a once in a lifetime event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of …

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Charney Report. 20 Jan 2016.

Eva Fogelman on the Charney Report

Katharina von Munster, Eva Fogelman, David Scott Paul | Charney Report. 20 Jan 2016. YouTube. This episode features a discussion on psychology as it relates to Holocaust survivors and their families with guests Katharina von …

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Attendees from the US and Guatemala at multi-generational candle-lighting ceremony in memory of the SixMillion Martyrs. Jerusalem, 2017. Courtesy of the World Federation of Jewish Child survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants

Third Generation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors

“Why are Holocaust survivors obsessed with future generations remembering? Why do they command us all to Zachor, to remember? What is it they want us to remember?” That is the challenge every post-Holocaust generation will …

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Screen capture. Breaking the Silence.

Helping Holocaust Survivor’s Children

When the film I co-produced and wrote, Breaking the Silence: The Generation After the Holocaust, was first broadcast on PBS in 1984, Michael Hinds wrote about the work I have done raising awareness for and …

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Getty Images / Kevin Winter. Courtesy of Politico.

Marion Pritchard, Holocaust hero

Under conditions of terror, most people are passive bystanders. Some become persecutors, while few jeopardize their lives to save the victims. Marion Pritchard, who died in December 2016 at the age of 96, risked her …

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Kitra Cahana

Trauma, Memory and Art

Trauma, Memory and Art: An interdisciplinary virtual conference with Ori Z. Soltes, Larry R. Squire, Natan P.F. Kellermann and Eva Fogelman In this interdisciplinary conference, four experts discuss the transmission of Holocaust trauma and memory …

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Critical Images Week 1

Critical Images of Relationships | Part 1

4- Part Discussion Series: Critical Images of Relationships in the Third Generation of Holocaust Survivors Session 1: Holocaust survivor grandparent(s) relationship Sunday, November 1 11:00AM – 12:30PM ET Virtual Event on Zoom for 8 sessions. …

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Critical Images Week 2

Critical Images of Relationships | Part 2

4- Part Discussion Series: Critical Images of Relationships in the Third Generation of Holocaust Survivors Session 2: Second generation parent(s) interaction Sunday, November 8 11:00AM – 12:30PM ET Virtual Event on Zoom for 8 sessions. …

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Critical Images Week 3

Critical Images of Relationships | Part 3

4- Part Discussion Series: Critical Images of Relationships in the Third Generation of Holocaust Survivors Session 3: Critical images of one’s own experience with intimate relations developmentally Sunday, November 15 11:00AM – 12:30PM ET Virtual …

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Critical Images Week 4

Critical Images of Relationships | Part 4

4- Part Discussion Series: Critical Images of Relationships in the Third Generation of Holocaust Survivors Session 4: Consequences of a Holocaust family history on one’s committed relationships Sunday, November 22 11:00AM – 12:30PM ET Virtual …

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Children of the Warsaw Ghetto. Stanford University.

The Rescuer Self

Rescue of Jews under the Nazis was, in psychological parlance, a “rare behavior.” From a population of 700 million in Germany and the allied occupied countries, the thousands who risked their lives to save Jews …

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Eva Fogelman's parents

About Dr. Fogelman

I am a licensed psychologist, author and filmmaker. I am also a pioneer in developing groups for generations of the Holocaust. I co-founded and co-directed the first training program for clinicians to study Psychotherapy with …

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Eva Fogelman


I am in private practice as a licensed psychologist, supervisor, and consultant. My orientation is a relational-psychoanalytic and family systems approach. I am a pioneer along with Bella Savran in the development of groups for …

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Eva Fogelman in conversation with Gaby Glassman on ‘Descendants of the Holocaust 75 years after the liberation’
