The Blue Card Stories of the Holocaust: Overcoming Historical Trauma is honored to welcome Dr. Gita Cycowicz, from Jerusalem, Israel. Dr. Cycowicz is a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and labor camps at Gross-Rosen. Originally from Chust in the Carpathian Mountains, which was originally in Czechoslovakia, then Hungary, and is now in modern-day Ukraine, she immigrated to the United States in 1948, where she earned a doctorate in Psychology. After earning her doctorate she moved to Israel, where she set up a clinical psychology practice that specialized in group therapy for Holocaust survivors.

Today she still lives in Israel near her 3 children, 21 grandchildren, and numerous great grandchildren. Dr. Cycowicz is one of the most sought-after Holocaust educators in Israel and accompanies student groups to Poland for March of the Living. Her most recent claim to fame is her meeting with President Biden at Yad Vashem to discuss rising antisemitism in the US.
Listen to Dr. Cycowicz’s incredible story about survival, overcoming trauma, and dedicating one’s life to the service of others on our podcast: The Blue Card Stories of the Holocaust. Interviewed by Dr. Eva Fogelman
See the interview on Facebook below or listen to the podcast here or on Spotify.